Friday, December 5, 2008


Today I went to the mall after school and I went to EXPRESS (My mom shops there) and I got a super cute sweater there! It's gray and it's actually a long turtle neck, but you're supposed to fold that part. Do you get the picture in ur head now? BTW, I dyed my hair purple!!!!!!!! Not the whole head, but one streak. No big deal. And today was our student teachers' last day so we had a mini party with doughnuts and juice! And our teacher, the one who had to get a sub, and we acted really badly? Anyway, she ran into the sub and Kate and "Bob" went to her and gave her the apology letters. Good News!: She said that she would love to come back and I might get my ears repierced (got an infection in the 3rd grade) as a semi Christmas present because I got a blue laptop for my early Christmas prezzy! I'm drinking white tea with orange blossem right now. (FUZE) Oh Yeah and I'm getting a manicure!!!!!!!!!! Yay Me! *Clap clap clap clap clap*!!!!!!!!!!

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