Thursday, December 4, 2008


Today was a So Not Funny day. You know how I said that yesterday was an LOLFOMC day?, well today was the exact opposite. Well one person made up a fake name and said to call him Bob. And he got sent out of the classroom, and the sub wrote a note saying that " Bob" had to get sent out of the classroom and our teacher got SUPER MAD! And we had to write apology letters to the sub.Now that I think about it, It wasn't really that funny... BTW, Did any of u watch the Rockafeller tree lighting last nite? Cuz i totally forgot, and i know that The Jonas Brothers Preformed a song but i don't know what song and my homeroom teach was like "Hey Stacey, Did you watch the Rockafeller tree lighting yesterday?" And I was like, "No,Ugh. I forgot!" And he was like, "Well The Jobros preformed!" And i was like, "I know! I can't believe I missed that!" And then I walked to my table.
End of Story. Soooo... Bye! And Peace!!!!!

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